August is a jam-packed month!
Dates to remember...
August 11th:
...glance over your right shoulder at the beautiful Super Mountain Shadow Full Moon.
Brings you good luck!
August 27th:
... It's kind of a 50/50 kinda day, filled with incredible luck, versus a past unresolved issue or unexpected expense.
After the 27th, watch where you're going.
Small injuries are possible until September 1st.
Expansion, relocation, creating deep emotional new connections with others and travel plans are all encouraged in August.
Change is your friend this month.
It creates stability and security if you have the courage to take a chance.
An epiphany that can set your life in a completely different direction, that also creates personal boundaries that support your physical and mental health and finances.
To book your Psychic or Tarot reading with me, email...