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Strawberry Full Moon

The Strawberry Full Moon fills our lives with renewed Hope, Courage and Love. Everything is changing. Anything we choose to let go of...

The Forecast

Earth signs: Don’t sweat the small stuff. Change is the only constant in our lives. How boring would our existence become with nothing...

Flower Moon

May's Beautiful Flower Moon in Sagittarius will cross the Red Star Antares blessing us all with confidence and a sense of calm and...

The Power of Love

This weeks forecast is all about love and the power of love, with several planets reflecting back to open our hearts. There is a healing...

Pink Full Moon in Scorpio

As we welcome the Pink Full Moon in Scorpio, it’s not the time to wonder what other people think or feel about you. Yes, you may very...

Are you ready for Eclipse Season?

The first full moon lunar eclipse occurs March 25th. Libra's influence encourages us to look inward and focus on our own mind, body and...

What a week!

The change of seasons combined with outside unexpected demands on our time makes this an uncomfortable week. Good week to say 'no'. ...

Year of the Wood Dragon

The year of The Dragon encourages us to take better care of ourselves. Our own personal gardens need to be tended to, nurturing our mind,...

Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse brought with it anxiety, high emotion, and perplexing responses from loved ones. When asked “How are you?”...

Mystic Mag Feature

I would like to Thank Mystic Magazine and Peter Vojinovic for featuring me in their magazine. Click HERE to read! Thank you to Christina...

September Super Moon

With the fourth Super Moon in Aries arriving on September 29th, 2023... Combined with Pluto’s year-long influences narrowing our choices....

Super Moon

This is a week that everyday issues can really drag us down with the effects that the Super Moon has left in our lives. Seasons are...

Super Blue Moon

As we welcome the Super Blue Moon in Pisces... Allow your senses to expand and connect with the Spiritual Power this Moon emanates. It...

Saturn Retrograde

Saturn is in Retrograde from June 30th to December 6th, which makes it difficult for us to go along to get along. We are compelled to...

Can Retrogrades Be Helpful?

Guess what? Retrogrades can impact our lives in a positive way. Once you can wrap your head around it, forced change can move you...

Retrograde Season

Have you ever wished for all areas of your life... ...past, present, and future, to be under a microscope? Thanks to Jupiter, Uranus,...

Venus Retrograde

Thanks to this beauty... Venus in Retrograde forces us to take a deep dive into our past. It includes finances, relationships, and what...

July Update

A Beautiful glance at the wonders of the Universe... As it gives birth to a new world. This week is a new opportunity to create a new...

Time To Rest + Restore

Tap on the photo. You know how sometimes you just want to throw caution to the wind? And just move forward? This week isn’t the time to...

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